Characters' description

Prosopography and Ethopoeia

Ethopoeia:  Description of a character's moral and psychological characteristics.
Prosopography: From the Latin prosōpographia “description of a person's appearance" or “description of an individual's life".

Main Characters' Description

Mr. Scott.


Mr. Scott is an artist, a little shy but with a strict character which makes him secure. That at the same time guides him to be demanding when it is to his painting. Therefore, sometimes he could become stubborn. Also, he is really curious and seems to be eagle-eyed, which makes him so intuitive. He is also empathetic and is always thinking about what could happen with everything so is a worrywart.


Mr. Scott has a symmetrical face, black beard, and wavy hair, his eyes are brown and he is in good shape also he is tall his height is 1.87 centimeters. He’s between 35 and 40 years old by the way he expresses himself. He usually wears elegant clothes. Following the whole places that he mentions throughout the story, his nationality could be Canadian and American.      

Tessie Reardon. 

Figure 4.

Tessie Rearden is a vain model, who is naive, innocent, and fearful. She is very inclined to fall in love so she is infatuated. She is a very expressive person which makes her predictable. Furthermore, she is curious about each things that could be forbidden.


Tessie Rearden is a pretty woman, her skin is smooth and her eyes are blue. Her hair is long, curly, and black. Her body has a slight build. Her height is commonly average could be 1.65 centimeters, and her style is elegant and urban at the same time which makes her feel relaxed and comfortable. Her nationality is American because she grew up there.

The bellboy. (Thomas) 

Thomas is the bellboy, who is chatty and it makes him gossip sometimes. He is also a touchy and belligerent person. He is usually so brave but he shrank with the watchman. 


Thomas has brown hair and eyes. He has an average height of 1.70 centimeters. His age is between 20 and 23. He usually wears sports clothes. His nationality seems to be from London due to his cockney accent or dialect.

The watchman.

Figure 6. 

...We talked on, unmindful of the gathering shadows, and she was begging me to throw away the clasp of black onyx quaintly inlaid with what we now knew to be the Yellow Sign. But I could not get rid of it, I do not know why I refused it just made me feel powerful and meaningful which guide me through the truth, in my way. As soon as the ‘King in Yellow’ took advantage of my body and willing, my memories blurred after reading the whole book, as opposed to Tessie who fell into a trance. Each time that I looked at her, she seemed to be older and worse than before. She was dying. Concerning me. I am past human help or hope.

My mind led me to Carcosa, where lost souls sag in their pain. I awoke from death sickness among them, and I found myself looking for Sylvia, my true love and yearning. As I write this confession, we committed the worst mistake: talking loudly about the book. Without being aware of what we were doing, we heard some noises. Those came from outside the door. Someone was coming towards us. It was the watchman who broke the locks trying to reach Tessie, making his last effort to save her from me, but it was too late, his infectious and dying spectrum had consumed me and blinded me before her, in an awakening the king himself took revenge on the past and of the future, leaving me once again between bodies and masses that cry for hope. Paying for crimes and other people's feelings.


The Watchman is a mysterious man who presumably appears to be dead, such as a corpse that has been haunted. He is gloomy and morbid. He is constantly staring at Mr. Scott. His actions are queer even the way how he looks at someone is insulting and threatening.


The Watchman has a gloomy and nauseating aspect his body, in general, appears to be puffy, causing an impression of a plump white grave-worn which makes him look like a corpse. His age is between 28 and 30. His height could be 1.68. Nationality unknown.

Secondary Characters

Carmichel the woman with which he hangs out.

Sylvia is Mr. Scotts’s ex-wife.

Ed Burke the man with whose Tessie could fall in love.


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