Story context



During his life in New York City, Mr. Scott, a gentle painter passionate about his work, relates disturbing events that have affected his life and Tessie’s, who is also his model and love affair. These concerns started with his art, where the despicable and nauseating influences of a horrid-looking man whose repulsive and stinking presence are reflected in creeping sallow flesh tones on the canvas. That odd fellow man who guards the churchyard in front of Scott's house is also present in Tessie and Scott's thoughts and nightmares. He used to appear in a black-plumed hearse carrying a coffin where Scott could be seen inside, neither dead nor alive. This repulsive man chased them between reality and fantasy and they have not been the only ones affected by this frightening situation, the bellboy Thomas, also remembered being affected by his disgusting mushy face and mysterious aura, which transmitted such a sense of despair and confusion to people that it caused them to behave strangely. 

Tessie and Scott experience a moment of paranoia that leads to their nightmares. 'The yellow sign' found by Tessie as a clasp of black onyx, and the book 'The King in Yellow' make their presence known in Scott's bookstore. Through the sounds and the words that lead to him, they are consumed in madness by their useless resistance. Giving that fellow the opportunity to break into their minds, in its most real and powerful form, personifying the infectious spectrum of the insane book of 'The King in Yellow' that both discussed at that time. It is at that moment that the watchman that used to sit outside the church appears, as an apparent corpse possessed by the literary infectious ghost mentioned above, forcing it into Mr. Scott's rooms in a chaotic manner, snatching Tessie's life in an instant, and leaving Scott to die while he recounts his misfortune.


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