Unknown Words



Figure 11.

  1. Abated: (Verb) To become less strong, being weak. Ex: He is abated after his first romantic relationship didn't work out.
  2. Blatant: (Adjective) To be intentional and obvious with a bad action. Ex: The thief hit his victim in front of the police, he is blatant.
  3.  Bothered: (Adjective) To be worried about something important. Ex: She was bothered because her company didn't pay her on time.
  4. Bruise: (Noun/Verb) It refers to a dark injury mark on your skin. It can also mean causing a dark injury to something or someone. Ex: How did you get that bruise on your arm?
  5. Clasp: (Verb) To hold something tightly. Ex: She clasps the glass till it broke her hand.
  6. Cowardly: (Adjective) Expresses or describes someone who isn't brave and avoids whichever thing that could be dangerous. Ex: He was too cowardly to complain.
  7. Crouching: (Verb) To bend your knees to be extremely close to the ground but you can still move forward. Ex: She was crouching to win the game.
  8. Crown: (Verb) To put a crown on someone at an honorable moment. Ex: I’ll crown you as the best employee if you do that favor to me.
  9. Dazed: (Adjective) To be very confused which prevents thinking clearly. Ex: He was dazed when she told him a secret. He can't remember anything.
  10. Dreaded: (Adjective) To be extremely afraid, worried, and frightened about something that might happen. Ex: She dreaded being punished by her father.
  11. Easel: (Noun) It’s wooden frame support that artists use to hold their canvas. Ex: There’s a large easel holding a painting of a landscape in the middle of the art gallery.
  12. Flattered: (Verb) To feel pleased by something that someone tells you. Ex: She felt so flattered.
  13. Flood: (Verb) It means to be filled with water in a way that causes problems. Something that is completely covered. Ex: After that hurricane, the house flooded.
  14.  Forth: (Adverb) To move forward from a certain point, ahead. Ex: The girls swing back and forth.
  15. Gayly: (Adjective) The noun form is 'gaily', which means to do something cheerful or bright. Ex: In that gallery, we found a bung of gayly pictures.
  16. Gloomy: (Adjective) Describes something unhappy without hope and unpleasant. Ex: The churchyard looks gloomy because he is near there.
  17. Grave: (Noun) It's a place where a person is buried, almost always in the ground. It can also mean something serious or bad. Ex: His body was on the grave without his soul. It was a grave situation. 
  18. Hasten: (Verb) To cause something to make it happen sooner or with speed. Ex: You'd better hasten otherwise you’ll lose your airplane.
  19. Humbug: (Noun) It’s hard usually with mint taste sweet, and its strips have two different colors. Also can mean nonsense, rubbish, or fraud. Ex: Mint humbug. It’s all humbug what you are saying!
  20. Hurl:(Verb) To throw something angrily. ex: The customer hurls the money over the ground.
  21. Infatuation: (Noun) Describes an attraction to someone with love but is not lasting. Ex: his infatuation makes him feel in love with everyone.
  22. Inlaid: (Adjective) A decoration that is into something. Ex: His ring was inlaid with diamonds.
  23. Jolted:(Verb) To shake something suddenly and violently. Ex: the train jolted when the accident occurred.
  24. Keepsake:(Noun) A small present that we give to someone to remember something or someone else. Ex: They gave us a wine as a keepsake for their wedding.
  25. Limb: (Noun) It means the extremity of a person or animal’s body. Ex: If you have a broken limb, you should go to a hospital as soon as possible.
  26. Limpid:(Adjective) To be transparent. Ex: She is so honest as the limpid water.
  27. Lounge: (Verb) To spend time doing nothing relevant. Ex: I went out to lounge in the park yesterday because I had nothing better to do. 
  28. Merely: (Adverb) It's used to emphasize how simple it is and nothing more. As well it is used to emphasize that something is not important. ex: This thing won’t help her at all. Merely give it to her, it’s going to work.
  29. Peered:(Verb) To look carefully or to examine something. Ex: They peered at what he looked like.
  30. Poured: It's (Transitive verb) that means to flow a liquid between containers. When is an intransitive verb meaning that it is raining heavily. Ex: She poured the lemonade to mix the sugar inside. It has been pouring all day.
  31. Queer: (Adjective) Something that is unusual, strange, or not expected. Ex: Their expressions were so queer.
  32. Quiver: (Verb/Noun) It means to shake slightly due to a strong situation or emotion. Ex: Her lips quivered because of that scary moment.
  33. Rattled: (Adjective) To be worried or nervous. Or to make a noise. Ex: she took the book and it was rattled by the papers felt.
  34. Reckless: (Adjective) Used to describe doing something that is dangerous without worrying about any consequences even if it’s risky. Ex: He is reckless when he drives his motorcycle.
  35. Recoil:(Verb) To refuse to accept an idea showing disapproval. Ex: She recoils to be amicable with everyone.
  36. Resemble: (Verb) To be similar or look like something else. Ex: You resemble your father when he was young.
  37. Sallow: (Noun) An unhealthy yellowish color description of a person’s flesh. Ex: Warm makeup tones can enliven a sallow face. 
  38. Sash: (Noun) An accessory worn around the waist or over one shoulder, it's a band. Ex: These sashes can be tied in the front of the dresses. 
  39. Scraper: (Noun) It's a plane sharp-edge tool similar to a spatula used to remove material from a surface. Ex: We needed to clear the extra paint from the wall with a scraper.
  40. Séance: (Noun) Refers to a kind of meeting where people attempt to communicate with spirits. This noun comes from the French word for 'session' and is modernly used in English to name this situation. Ex: Séances are held with congregants who believe in Spiritualism and want to meet with their ancestors. 
  41. Sewing: (Noun) This Is the skill that you have in order to fix a cloth. Ex: Your grandfather makes and sews on my jacket.
  42. Shoved: (Verb) To push someone or something aggressively. Ex: I was so frantic that I shoved my teacher down the stairs.
  43. Shrank: (Verb) It means to become something smaller to reduce its size. Ex: I shrank about procrastinating and not being responsible. 
  44. Sob: (Verb) When someone cries noisily and takes deep breaths in the process. Ex: He was sobbing because he fell and hurt himself.
  45. Soothing: (Adjective) It refers to something that makes you feel calming comforting or less painful. Ex: The hot water soothing your muscles.
  46. Sorrowful: (Adjective) It means to be very sad or to be ashamed. Ex: With a sorrowful feeling she got away.
  47. Stroll: (Verb) To walk for pleasure such as lounging. Ex: They were strolling because they wanted to talk.
  48. Tenderness: (Noun) It refers to someone who has compassion and sympathy and likes to be cute and expressive. It is also used to describe food quality, like vegetables or meat. Ex: The best flavor with meat is when it gets brown colors and is tender.
  49. Wagon:(Noun) This is a vehicle that people used to transport people and their things, pulled by horses. Ex: The wagon was used by the princesses.


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